

Project description

Another hybrid unit being built at the Crist shipyard in Gdynia for FinFerries. The ferry is 70 meters long and can accommodate 52 passenger cars and 200 people. The P317, like the P310 ELEKTRA, which won the "Ship of the Year" award at the Marine Propulsion Awards, is powered by batteries that are charged during loading or unloading. The ferry also has diesel generators, which will constitute an emergency, backup solution. Ultimately, the unit will sail on the Nauvo – Korppoo route in Finland.

Scope of work

In 2022, at the Crist shipyard in Gdynia, AN-ELEC was responsible for the following works on the construction of a hybrid ferry:

  • locksmith assembly of equipment elements
  • locksmith installation of electrical devices
  • installation of single cable passages, tracks and cable pipes for individual approaches to devices
  • cable laying, installation of cables, wires and optical fibers, approx. 40,000 m
  • connection and marking of cables, wires and optical fibers along with the required measurements
  • assembly, installation, connection and commissioning of ship electrical systems
  • handing over and handing over the completed work

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